Its a red light special tonight, Darling… Yes, we are here for it, to delight in the red hot love we have for our own embodied pleasure and that of our fellow beautiful ladies of the night.
UNBOUND offers 'bring you to bed energy' into Skirt Club for our red light Galentines night. U N B O U N D trailblazes and translates ancient wisdom to the modern world through experiential artistry in sacred sexuality. Tonight hey offer our members instructionals and edutainment, through a ritual style theatre performance.
UNBOUND also explores and expands the possibilities of what we feel, think, and dream for both our individual exploration and our collective evolution. They believe we are all catalysts, teachers, visionaries, creators, dream-makers and world-changers of the erotic r/evolution. They emphasize embodiment, intimacy, and consciousness in kink.
UNBOUND ties sacred sexuality and social impact together in unforgettable, unparalleled style and ceremony.
In addition…
Genevieve LeJeune will be announcing the launch of Skirt’s new campaign, designed for women to own equity in the future of Skirt App. Women must maintain ownership of their sexuality and the safe spaces in which to explore it. Skirt is scaling its global 25k membership through a community app.
Join Genevieve to learn about the new app for meeting open-minded women and personal growth. Become part of our future.